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Out on Antartica Records - 1st of April
piano solo album - Johan Hoogewijs
companied by colour studies - Aya Braem
To my mind Johan’s music evokes a certain melancholy, but also contains a crisp, rich and gentle sound and feeling. It’s obvious to catch the melancholy with obligate minor chords but Johan goes
a step further by blending minor and major and using different atmospheres and thus achieving an intriguing harmony of timbres. I approach my colour studies from a similar angle. Colours that initially aren’t complementary strengthen one another using the right balance. In each study I am led by the analysis of the un- derlying theme rather than starting work without careful re ec- tion or work only by intuition. This series is part of the project #anapproachtocolouracceptances and for the occasion different studies were made on every composition of the album.
With this project, Johan Hoogewijs is colouring at the piano. Each piece he plays is coloured differently depending on the inspiration of that particular moment. Improvisation (or instant composing as one jazz-man called it) is essential for the perfor- mance and content of these compositions. Each piece has a ba- sic structure which each time is coloured differently depending on the ow of the moment. Hoogewijs goes looking for the soul of each piece, preferably his own soul, sometimes its romance. Nothing is black and white, not even the keys. He goes looking for what is happening in between the notes. The challenge is that it can meander in all directions, with dynamism, whereby he does not necessarily go looking for the purity of the sounds or minimalism but for the different layers of the music.
In contrast to his soundtracks, where he can only move within the “straitjacket” of the lm, the assignment and the story, here Hoogewijs intentionally goes looking for freedom, the openness of just playing. Playing. In contrast, the storyline of a lm is gen- erally delineated and binding before its musical interpretation. This piano project is just the opposite; a meditative state of play- ing which immerses the listener as well in a bath of colours. The approach to and duration of each performance can vary widely.
As a result of the musical journey that Johan has made in the past and the diversity of styles and in uences from his work for radio, TV and lm, you can hear a whole range of colours and atmos- pheres with in uences from jazz, classical and neo-classical music, ethnic in uences and, here and there, even a bit of Americana. Hoogewijs seeks to go back to his early roots, before he composed lm music, where names like Joni Mitchell, Weather Report and even Stravinsky and Debussy were major in uences.
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